Green broccoli vegetable standing up


The Healthier You Eat, The Sicker You Feel?

Does that sound like you? FODMAPS may be the culprit!

So what exactly is a FODMAP? 

FODMAP is an acronym for a series of short chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols known as Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols.

What is the problem with them?

For some people, these compounds are a bit harder for the body to digest and absorb due to their fermentation and osmotic effect. They have been associated with alterations in the metabolome and they can modulate histamine levels within the gut microbiome. FODMAPS commonly trigger individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), causing symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, and excessive gas. 


Breakdown of FODMAP

Fermentable: This is the process at which the gut bacteria ferment and breakdown undigested carbohydrates resulting in gas

Oligosaccharides: Fructans and GOS

Disaccharides: Lactose

Monosaccharides: Fructose

Polyols: Sorbitol and Mannitol

Where do I start? 

  1. Keep a food diary: with CorePerform I provide you with a food diary to write how you feel after consuming them. Note every symptom or if you simply just were feeling “off” that day. Some symptoms can take up to three days to appear, so it’s important to keep track consistently. Still confused? CorePerform can guide you and help you to be in tune with your body. 
  2. Look at Trends: With the help of educated dietitians at CoreRestore, we will be able to look at exactly what your body is having trouble digesting. For some people, this is one group of FODMAP carbohydrates (ex. disaccharides), but for most it is a complex understanding of optimal serving sizes, specific FODMAPs, and cooking methods.

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Where do I start? 

  1. Keep a food diary: with CorePerform I provide you with a food diary to write how you feel after consuming them. Note every symptom or if you simply just were feeling “off” that day. Some symptoms can take up to three days to appear, so it’s important to keep track consistently. Still confused? CorePerform can guide you and help you to be in tune with your body. 
  2. Look at Trends: With the help of educated dietitians at CoreRestore, we will be able to look at exactly what your body is having trouble digesting. For some people, this is one group of FODMAP carbohydrates (ex. disaccharides), but for most it is a complex understanding of optimal serving sizes, specific FODMAPs, and cooking methods. 


Higher FODMAP Food Examples

Fermentable: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts

Oligosaccharides: Wheat, Rye, Onion, Garlic, Legumes

Disaccharides: Milk, Soft Cheeses, Yogurt

Monosaccharides: Honey, Apples, HFCS

Polyols: Artificial Sweeteners

Click the button down below to Learn About CorePerform!

With CorePerform we can target what specific short chain carbohydrate you are having trouble absorbing. We work as a team to identify triggers and create the most inclusive diet possible. 


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